Here to assist you for a job, 24/7

Detalhes do projeto




  • Profissão Bate-chapas, experiência 1 - 3 anos
  • Idioma Inglês, Nível iniciante
  • Carta de condução B, opcional


  • Recrutador Inter-professionals BV
  • Detalhes do salário Negociável
  • Horário de trabalho Normal (8 horas)
  • Tipo de contrato Temporário a permanente
  • Localização Amsterdã, Holanda do Norte, Países Baixos
  • Autorização de trabalho em Países Baixos Exigido
  • Procurar candidatos Em Amsterdã e perto de (3000 km)
  • Alojamento Fornecido e pago pelo empregador (quarto individual)
  • Transporte local Fornecido e pago pelo empregador

Descrição do emprego

Inter-Professionals B.V., a recruitment agency in the Netherlands, offers jobs and accommodation in very good conditions for those who want to develop their career in the automotive field. Our requirement is that the experience in the field should be between 3 and 5 years and the knowledge of the English language should be conversational.

We are looking for the following positions:

- Preparers

- Car painters

- Tinsmith

- Truck mechanics

- Car assemblers-disassemblers

Our salary and benefits offer is:

- Payment is made every 4 weeks for a 40-hour program.

- Accommodation is provided free of charge, only one person per room.

- Transportation is provided by the company car or if there are several people in the same house and the same service, they will travel with a single car.

- Salaries vary from 2150 to 2643 euros.

- Health insurance is withheld from salary (€33.55 per week).

- Transportation to accommodation that will be withheld from the first salary.

Outros empregos11


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